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Introduction to Shamanism

Unlock Your Power to Dream a New World into Being

with Alison Normore, Ph.D.

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AND... While you wait...

Join our Waking the Dreamer: Am I a Shaman? FREE Online Course


One by one, by one, we are waking up to the fact that we are designed, and even destined for more; a better, healthier and happier world, for everyone. We can reclaim and recreate our Paradise on Earth, or we can go the way we’ve gone before. At the time of Atlantis, we chose a technological path that was destined to destroy our miraculous living organic life. And now, at this time, we get to choose to move forward in a way that supports life.


Creating a new world of peace, harmony, beauty, and abundance for all is not a fantasy.  It is within our grasp to create; one awakened conscious person at a time. You are genetically coded and spiritually designed as a dreamer; here to dream a New Earth into being.


This is what the shamans of old knew, and this is the ancient wisdom that is reawakening within you now. Shamanism is not about what you do, it is about how you see yourself, and your place and potential in the world. This is the shift of perception that changes everything. 


"You may say I’m a dreamer,
but I’m not the only one." ~ John Lennon

You are a powerful creator. You have abilities beyond your imagining.

All That Is waits for you to remember, to claim your birthright.

It is my mission, my soul’s calling, to help you remember.

Shamanism gave me permission to show up in my life as Me, fully. It led me to reclaim my spiritual connection with the sacred in nature, to deepen trust in my intuition and imagination; all the things I’d learned to hide and dismiss in my childhood and throughout my academic life.


The shamanic path awakened my soul’s desire to help shift our collective consciousness at this profound time of change and potential on the Earth; so we can choose a different path this time around.


I urge you now to pay attention to the signs you are receiving. The sensations you feel in your body; the images and stories of your nighttime dreams; the synchronicities that show up in front of you daily. Including this very page. This very 9-week immersion into the World of the Shaman


There are many paths and ways to show up for Life. Perhaps this is the path you’ve been longing for … yet couldn’t quite name.


Will you to join me in my life’s mission? Are you willing to shift your old way of thinking about the world? To choose Life?  Are you willing to reclaim your power to dream a new world into being for all your relations and for the generations to come?

I am inviting you to join me in my 9-week immersion into the foundations of Shamanism.

Introduction to Shamanism

Unlock Your Power to Dream a New World into Being



​I have curated my best content, experiences, and trainings to bring you this highly experiential sampling of what shamanism is and how it can help you remember the power you have to dream the new world into being.


In this 9-week course, we will taste from the bounty of the following shamanistic perspectives and practices: Animism, Multidimensionality and Consciousness,  Ancestors, the Medicine Wheel, Initiation, Journeying and Dreaming, Ritual and Luminous Energy Field.


In this course you will:

  • Learn the maps and tools to navigate in the Shaman’s Universe

  • Receive practical tools to care for and maintain your vibrant luminous energy field for your safety and protection

  • Learn the Shaman’s practices for enhancing connection to the forces of creation

  • Learn indigenous ancestral ways of sourcing from Nature

  • Undeniably remember yourself as the powerful dreamer you are


At the end of our time of co-creation together you will

  1. Realize your place in the Cosmic plan of creation and your role in the awakening of the Divine Feminine in the evolution of planetary consciousness, moving you to desire to play, explore, and express your gifts. 

  2. Recognize how the losses and traumas of the past have served your soul’s evolution so you can move from feeling wounded and invisible to knowing your true value and worth. 

  3. Source directly from Nature and the elemental realms so you begin to remember your dreams, feel nurtured, cohesive and ‘enough’, and never feel lost or alone again. 

  4. Activate your multidimensional awareness and ability to quickly and easily shift what no longer serves you and begin to use your power to create a new reality, rather than feeling powerless and helpless in the face of collective drama and chaos. 

  5. Receive the shamanic rites of initiation that help you shed the past, connect with the forces of creation, and walk with certainty and safety in the world so your whole and authentic self feels safe to shine.

  6. Experience deep and lasting connections to others on a similar spiritual path, to a community of soul mates, with whom you will feel truly seen and supported by people who ‘get’ you.

This course is for you if you feel this call and...

  • You are ready for a deeper, more cohesive experience of yourself, so you can be the change you desire to see in the world.

  • You are spiritually awake and aware; you have done a lot of personal work and yet know there are more levels to reach.

  • You have psychic, intuitive, and healing gifts that you are leaning into expressing more fully. 

  • You want to feel more fulfilled and satisfied with life; be in more in alignment with your calling

  • You are hungry for the tools to express your gifts

  • And, you are drawn to earth-honouring wisdom and practices and you long to know more about them.


As you awaken to your right place in the universe and remember how to source directly from Nature, you begin to let go of the past and your cultural conditioning and transform your relationship to your feminine wisdom and gifts.


You begin to relax in knowing you are safe, to be all of who you are; setting your inner child free to play in the Garden of Life.

And you remember the dreamer you are and the power you have to create a new world.


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Introduction to Shamanism

Unlock Your Power to Dream a New World into Being

What's Included in...

9 x 90-minute classes via Zoom video conference

Each class is a highly interactive format with guided journeys, reflection, and sharing time, and between-class “experiments” to try on in real-time what you’re learning in class. Here's a glimpse into where we're going together in this course. 

Session 1

Becoming a Dreamwalker in the Shamanic Universe

Session 3

Dreaming in the Field of Creation with the Medicine Wheel

Session 5

Walking through Crisis with Peace, Beauty and Magic

Session 7

Claiming the Legacy and Support of your Ancestral Lineage

Session 9

ReWeaving Yourself into the Web of Life with Ritual & Ceremony

Session 2

Expanding your Consciousness with Animistic Practices

Session 4

Living from your Multidimensional Nature

Session 6

Navigating the
Spiritual Realms with

Session 8

Discovering your Destiny though Initiation Gateways


A Signed Copy of Alison Normore’s book:
Return to Pangaea: A Shamanic Journey Back to Newfoundland Roots


Return to Pangaea is a story that inspires the reader to recognize the mythic nature of their unique life journey, and spiritual interconnections with all of life. While it may be told from the circumstances and experiences of the author’s life in particular, it offers a universal and far-reaching message. It is the hero’s journey of the divine feminine; as the lost feminine sets out on an adventure from a disconnected place and arrives back to a place of spectacular natural beauty and ancient wisdom that only open eyes could see, and a mind and heart made wiser could understand. Alison’s journey back to her roots will confirm your own mystical experiences. It will prepare your eyes, your mind and your heart to receive all of life’s gifts as the doors to the wisdom and sacredness of the natural world are thrown wide open.  

As a companion to this Course, you will be invited to review specific sections of this book to prepare for our time together in class.

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Shaman’s Care Kit

A bundle of healing & balancing goodies supporting your deep dive into the world of The Shaman

Kit Includes:

  1. One bottle of my Gros Morne Essences, intuitively chosen by me especially for you.
    These Essences were co-created with the plants, minerals, and nature spirits of Gros Morne. This natural balancing homeopathic remedy will aid your personal spiritual connection to Earth’s elemental energies and assist in the integration of your experiences during the course and in the days and weeks following.

  2. Palo Santo and/or White Sage for clearing your aura and space.

  3. One bottle of my Boreal Forest Elixir, use to cleanse your aura and space in ceremony.
    This is an exclusive formula I created from the boreal forest trees and flowers of Gros Morne.

  4. A Ceremonial Candle and matches.

  5. Fabric pouch, perfect for taking your ceremonial items with you anywhere.


Nine Experiential Invitations to Deepen Your Experience and Learning in the Course


You're invited to participate in weekly experiential exercises designed to provide you with immersive experiences and opportunities to play with the concepts discussed in each class. 


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A one-year subscription to Alison Normore’s virtual Moon Circles

Join me around the fire for monthly New and Full Moon ceremonies.

Moon ceremonies are rituals at the very heart of alchemy and transformation.  


  • At New Moons, we work with the Element of Water and plant the seeds of our prayers in the sacred field of creation where all potential resides.

  • On the Full Moons, we work with the Element of Fire to cleanse and renew our energy through the light of the flames.


Participating in Moon Ceremonies connects you to the greater cosmos and brings you into harmony with the cycles of Nature; strengthens your feminine wisdom and creative potential, anchors and magnetizes your desires and intentions for yourself and for the Earth and offers a deeply nourishing and harmonizing power of gathering with like-minded souls on a regular basis.


Membership in the Private Lightbringers Facebook Group


A sacred online community space for those who participate in Moon Circles and other Shamanic training offered by Alison Normore, PhD.


If you feel this call rising within you...

You feel the pull to slow things down...

To pay attention to your inner awareness and knowing.

To own your natural gifts and abilities.

To reconnect with Nature’s power and wisdom.

To restore wholeness within so you can radiate that cohesiveness to a fragmented world.

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My Story: 
Reclaiming my Feminine gifts through Shamanism

A lifelong quest for answers to life’s greatest mysteries led me down many paths including academic studies, ancient cultures, natural healing, and feminine wisdom traditions. I earned a doctorate in human development, worked as a researcher, teacher, and then a play therapist for ten years. I suffered from chronic burnout but still didn’t know why or how to fix it. 


During this time, I was introduced to a teacher of Peruvian shamanic traditions. It felt like coming home. The teachings reconciled my confusion and longings and filled in the blanks of my own healing crisis. The shamanic path awakened the dreamer within and gave me the tools to create a life that was spiritually nourishing and sustainable. I was certified as an Energy Medicine Practitioner and Dying Consciously Trainer, answering a call to help others awaken their inner dreamer and live happier, more fulfilling lives. 

Following the Ancestors' messages in the dreamtime, I returned to my native and ancestral home in Bonne Bay, in the heart of Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada. It was a huge leap of faith that defied all logic, and so my adventure continues!

This story of my spiritual awakening and journey home is told in my memoir Return to Pangaea: A Shamanic Journey Back to Newfoundland Rootswhich is included in your registration for the Introduction to Shamanism 9-week course. From my home in Woody Point, I provide Moon Circles, 1:1 Transformative Coaching, Shamanic Immersion Retreats, Sacred Earth Journeys, and Healing Practitioner Training. 

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Janice Skiffington


“Your teachings are so powerful and so beautiful. I always utilize my ‘love’ vibration meter to measure any activity I participate in and this measures quite high!  I feel spiritually nourished by it all.”


Debra Jones
Reiki Master

“I will remember the connection I felt with others and the personal life-altering experiences. I received confirmation of my healing path and personal journey. My work and clients have benefited from these teachings. It has accelerated my journey to enlightenment. Thank you for being open and caring about each of our own journeys." 


Michelle Snow


 "This time has felt so magical and special, a time of honoring, my perspective about this world changed, my relationship with Mother Nature has changed and opened up. This is a homecoming in every way."


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