Earth-Star-Heart Healing
Light Meditation
Opening to receive the light of the cosmos, releasing and dissolving what is no longer serving you. Relax and enjoy.
Lessons of the Current Dimensional Shifts
An introduction to the dimensional shift that is in process for the Earth and Humanity. It is a quantum evolutionary shift from 3rd to 5th dimensional consciousness. There are many prophecies about the New Earth that would emerge at this time. This means time/space reality is changing, and our bodies are being upgraded to hold more light. Everyone experiences and perceives this shift in their own way, but you are not imagining it!
Transmission of the
Bands of Protection
This is one of the rites of initiation along the shamanic path. It connects you to all the Elemental realms, and provides you will direct access to the wisdom and power of Earth and Sky. Simply prepare yourself to listen and receive this energetic initiation, imagining and intending the bands being installed into your own luminous energy field.
Free 5-part course in videos with accompanying Course Guide. I recommend you listen to the videos in order, and follow the instructions in the Guidebook that are designed to deepen your experience.

Course Guide Book
Session 1: What Shamanism is & Have You Been Called to the Path?
Shamanism offers us a new opportunity for growth and healing.
In the first video you will learn:
• What Shamanism is and signs you’re being called to walk this path.
• The role of the Shaman past, present and future.
• The “medicine” of the Shaman and how it is used to restore balance within and with all of creation.
Plus, I will guide you through a journey to past lives when you walked a medicine path.
Session 2: Animism & The Unifying Power of the Heart
Shamanism can offer us a new story about who we are and why we’re here. In the second video you will learn:
• What Animism is and why it is at the heart of a Shamanic path.
• The role of the luminous energy field.
• What “power loss” is and how to prevent it.
• How the heart has a unifying and harmonizing power.
Plus, I will lead you in a practice to scan your own luminous energy field for intrusive energy and clear it out of your field.
Session 3: Multidimensionality
& Journeying
Shamanism offers us a new understanding of reality and reminds us that we have the power to dream a new world into being. In the third video you will learn:
• How reality is organized.
• Why the Shamans were the “original mapmakers” and the role of the Shaman in navigating between realms of consciousness.
• What “journeying” is and is not.
• How to protect yourself while journeying.
Plus, I will guide you in a journey to the Lower World.
Session 4: Ritual
Shamanism offers us a peaceful way to create and sustain connection with all living things. In the fourth video you will learn:
• What ritual is
• How it ritual is used to nurture relationships with the spirit world
• The difference between indigenous and modern rituals
• The different elements that make up a ritual
Plus, I will guide you in a journey to the upper world.
Session 5: Discover Your
Inner Shaman
In this session we dive into Discovering Your Inner Shaman. You’ll receive the Healers Rite; the first step on the path of Shamanic initiation. You’ll learn about my 9-week Introduction to Shamanism course and you’ll hear from others who’ve taken Shamanism trainings with me.
My hope is that this introduction has answered questions you have had about shamanism, clarified or confirmed your own callings, and given you some useful tools for your spiritual path.
I offer you these Resources with Love and Deepest Blessings!