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New Year, New Possibilities

2015 a Year of Change

Between the events in Paris and major political changes here in Canada, 2015 was a very full and intense year. Mother Nature continues to give us lots of warning of the big Earth changes afoot, and of her power, beauty and possibilities. The Full Moon on Christmas Day was spectacular; the expansive energy was tangible, like we were being held in a bubble of light, did you feel it? On Boxing Day here in Bonne Bay we were visited by a pod of Humpback, Minke and Fin Whales. There were some moms and babies; they were all feeding together. It was amazing to watch. I take it as a sign of hope that we will learn to live together in peace with All our Relations. I hope the whales are still here to see it. (There are more pics on my FB page, use the link on the bottom of this page).

Taking Stock

As a collective we accomplished a lot this past year. So many positive changes in the world, and yet so much chaos and suffering too. I took regular breaks from Facebook, some things were simply traumatizing to see. Again and again I had to remind myself to focus on what I love, what brings me joy. Like watching and feeding the birds around my house. I am glad at what did get done; major progress on the new website, some writing, new products in development, and a lot of home maintenance. Yet I also feel disappointed that I didn’t get more done, and I have to let that go. Sigh…. Life is a garden I know, never finished; everything, including myself, are works in progress.

Moving Forward

I suspect many of us feel in need of a good rest about now. Balancing work and play, taking a healthy doses of patience and loving kindness are what we always need most and all the time. It’s good to take some time at the end of a year to reflect on the year gone by and set some intentions for the new. I find it very nurturing to create a ritual to anchor my process in the literal world. I suspect 2016 will not be easy, but we can be hopeful and prepare as best we can for the changes it will ask of us. Knowing that we are never given more than we can handle.

Can I Help?

In the spirit of preparing and self-care, I’m offering a 30% Discount on Shamanic Energy Sessions and Discounts on all New Earth Products til Thursday, December 31st. Click on the Buttons or the SHOP tab for more details. If you feel called to book a session with me or order some wonderful healing products, please take full advantage of this opportunity to nurture and care for yourself.

I thank you for being part of this community of lightseekers, for taking the time to read this, knowing we are all connected in this web of light. Thank you too for sharing this post or my newsletter with anyone you feel will benefit from the connection. I look forward to seeing you ON THE OTHER SIDE, in 2016!

Sending so much Love, Light and Blessings of Peace and Joy. May you awaken to the Wonder of Possibility in 2016!


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